Useless Ramblings
sup,creeps? I'm baaaack!
Hopefully this blog finds you all doing well! I know y'all probably could give less of a fuck what has been happening since I went AWOL on you all.
LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU. SHIT HAS REALLY HIT THE FAN! I am currently in the creative process. The Sun Lay Silent debut album is now officially starting production. As of 2 weeks ago, Mark and I have been busting our balls trying to write some sick riffs and put them together into songs. The album will have 13-14 songs on it and we currently have 6.... and we are not even done yet. There is also the fact that I have been working on my 2nd solo single, which I actually just received the final cut for TODAY. and there will be a music video filmed for it and everything. Would like to let ya'll know that if you join my email list, you all get it early! So if you want in on that shit, FUCKING SIGN UP FOR MY EMAIL LIST! I am leaving a contact form for you to do so.
Mmmmmmkay. SO ANYWAYS! Mark and I have been busting our balls and it seems it may be a LOOOOONG ways before we get content out to you guys, on top of my having to plan a full solo music video and solo covers and sound tracking as well. How the fuck do you stay motivated while all this shit is piling up on your plate? Well, here are some ways I keep myself motivated in these trying and overwhelming times!
1. Keep your head in the clouds.
Byou read that right. Keep your head in the clouds.
"But Arwen. What the actual fuck do you mean?" Keeping your head in the clouds means you are daydreaming. Why daydream? Because if you desire something enough, eventually it will fall into your hands. "But Arwen, what the hell do you mean it will fall in my hands?" I mean the power of attraction you big dummy! If you desire something enough and you work for it, eventually it happens. Daydreaming of things you can do is also a way you can come up with ideas. I do this shit literally all the time! This is how I have come up with ideas, music, and also how I made a few video ideas come to life. I also use this to keep myself motivated and remember that what I daydream about is what I am striving to achieve. NEVER STOP DAYDREAMING. Make it your daily mantra to daydream a little. IT GIVES YOU HOPE. 2. Take A break, god dammit.
Getting writer's block or feel drained? Then you're obviously working yourself into madness and will descend into it unless you take a goddamn break. Make like a kit kat and give yourself a break. This entails you STEPPING AWAY FROM YOUR WORK STATION and DOING SOMETHING THAT IS NOT YOUR WORK. Get some sunlight, you damn vampire. Get some fucking social time before you turn into a hermit and people think you died or something. Getting out once in a while fuels your batteries and lets the creative juices flow. I, myself, am fucking TERRIBLE at taking breaks. So what happens when you don't?
A few things actually. 1. You will die alone, sad, and on the shitter. NOT a good way to go... Or you'll just be lonely and sad, therefore descending slowly into madness. 2. you'll probably forget to do things like eat or take a shower. 3. You can end up working yourself sick, therefore making yourself too sick to even continue your work. Which, knowing your dumb ass (and mine) you'll continue anyway till you keel over into a sad sack of sickness.... or you'll forget to take your meds and end up get more sick, which can hospitalize you and impede even worse in your work. 4. As mentioned above, you'll most likely forget to feed yourself or do daily things like take a shower, brush your teeth, or even call your mother (who most likely doesn't give a shit where you are.... but it doesn't hurt to check.) This can lead to you looking AND feeling like a pile of used chonies.... just like the ones you are currently wearing. Ew.... FOR GOD'S SAKE PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO SHOWER AT LEAST.... In conclusion? Breaktime is essential to hold your feeble existence and sanity together. 3. During your breaks, write down your ideas
If somehow while you are taking your much needed break, you come up with something, jot that shit down into a notebook. I personally carry a black notebook in my purse and in this notebook, I write every single idea I come up with when I am not at a piano or my desk. So that way I have a reference to look back on when I do finally get back to my work. Sometimes when you recharge, your brain will catch up. So ALWAYS carry a small notebook and pen with you. Just in case. New ideas means now motivation to continue what you are doing and when you are writing your album, it is always good to have a load of ideas at hand to go off of. ESPECIALLY if the album is your debut album! THE FIRST ALBUM IS ALWAYS THE HARDEST ALBUM TO WRITE. ESPECIALLY IN A BAND THAT IS BARELY BECOMING A THING.
4. Meet with your band mates once or twice a week during the writing process.
Never forget to acknowledge that the partners you work with are probably just as drained as you are. You're all in this shit together. So when you are all writing together, make it more frequent during the time you are working on your album. And never forget to ask your mates how the process is making them feel. It gives you a chance to get to know each other a lot better and to also hear their ideas and opinions on how everything is going down. Heckm try meeting outside of practice as well. Sometimes, my mates and I go to local shows and concerts together. We recently saw Dragonforce together and this show gave us a TON of ideas on what we could do with our music. It helped us come up with one of our new songs we are currently working on as well!
5. Go For a walk or something
This one goes along with the taking a break thing. GET SOME GOD DAMN SUNLIGHT. You need it to not only nourish and replenish your body (as agonizing our smoldering ball of fire and gas is) and to recharge your batteries. Taking a walk on a nice day can help you get creative in many ways. Being one with nature in any way, shape, and form is always soothing and will help that wrinkly thing in your head to relax and also generate future plans of destruction to mankind.... I mean creativity ...
6. Eat Breakfast. for fuck's sake.
"But, Arwen. This should already be a known thing."
It is a given that you should always be sure to eat breakfast at least before you go on a looooooong ass day of creating music. Why? Studies have shown that eating breakfast can really make the ideas flow. Google that shit. I am not even kidding. This is a blog about fucking common sense and a music career. Not about stats, but I advise you. GOOGLE THAT SHIT. The brain is more energized and awake after eating a good meal in the morning. Especially after eating something like Bacon and eggs (If you're vegan, try something like tofu and pepper veggie burritos. It is fucking AWESOME.) This gives you that morning boost. I do not suggest a morning cup of coffee though. drinking coffee too early in the day can actually give you a headache. I suggest drinking coffee around lunch or a little before to open things up a bit and let that blood flow from the caffeine. :). Again, if you think I am wrong, ask Google. Cause what the fuck do I know? With my almost getting my degree in Forensic Pathology (Before I gave that bullshit up to pursue my dream and getting a degree in acting instead.) and reading a shit ton of shit on the internet. 7. Drink water. for fuck's sake....
This one should be obvious for obvious reasons. Water makes up 71% of our planet (it used to be 75% but since global warming and all, we lost 4 %. way to go, humanity...) and about 60% of our bodies. YEAH. FRIKIN 60. You're a walking sac of water and dust. That's humanity in general... except many are just sacks of shit as well as water and dust. And dust is what you will become if you do not drink at least a few glasses of water a day. Drink at least 3 or 4 glasses if you can. Trust me when I say, not only does it keep you energized, it helps keep your puny brain a functioning one. :). So if you're thinking about drinking like 80 cups of coffee so that you pull an all nighter, think again and grab some good ol' H2O instead. :).
8. practice and persist
Well, my friends, you'll be surprised how many musicians slack off immensely in this area. YES. practice and maintain your instruments as much as you can. You cannot be a musician and never practice a day for it. You gotta constantly be with it and know your instrument inside and out. Fuck, dude. You guys have no idea how fucking lazy a lot of musicians have become over the years. I see many who work hard, but also some who are extremely big headed and lazy! Some will go smoke a bowl then fucking complain about how they "never achieved their careers" or how they think that certain musicians in their local scene who have success "don't deserve a damn bit of it" or "the scene is a scam" or "I deserve the fame. Why can't we find fnas?" Some of these motherfuckers always go around to other up and coming artists and bands (who are most likely in the same boat as they are) and try to "educate" them on how to further their careers and constantly say how awesome their band is. And they then proceed to spam the shit out of you for ticket sales so they can just get rid of the tickets they have. Some even go as further lower than that in many ways. But all I can say is that you should pay no heed to people who constantly try to explain to you that you should do this, this, and this for your career when they constantly complain about how the scene is jipping them. ESPECIALLY if they themselves have not had success. Success comes to those who work hard and never give up. You gotta really want it. And Shit, if you practice the hell out of your instrument and keep putting yourself out there, eventually you will be heard! You just have to persist! And this brings us to number 9. 9. fuck the haters.
I simply CANNOT say this enough. Fuck the haters. Let them fuel your fire. Use their shitty comments to motivate yourself to become a better musician. This applies to local haters, trolls on the internet, and also to that family member who has a fucking nickel in their ass and cannot stand that you're a musician and have a bit more of a chance of success than they do. Fuck. The. Haters. You're better than them. Believing every word they say can lead you down a path to destruction. Self doubt is the destroyer of music careers and the poison that feeds shit like depression or writers block. Don't let their shit ruin yours. Those same haters will also be listening to your music an clicking your videos and watching them JUST TO HATE ON THEM. I get this shit every day now. It is very funny because little do they know that their viewership/ stream/ commentary on my content COUNTS TO MY FAVOR. And it will do you favors as well. See, the way it works is that the more people watch and comment your content, the more it is recommended to others EVEN IF THEY HATED IT. It is quite funny! So use this as an advantage!
10. treat yourself
Another thing I cannot stress enough. TREAT YOURSELF FOR YOUR HARD WORK. This one is obvious as hell. If you're over here busting your ass to get your content out there and you feel the need to treat yourself to keep motivated, GO ON AHEAD. Don't go ape shit, but do get yourself something nice.
Recently or my hard work, I went and purchased my FIRST customized stage dress that is one of a kind! It is coming in In a few weeks and I am beyond thrilled! I will also be wearing it in the first Sun Lay Silent music video and for a photo shoot as well! Hoping to show you all soon! Getting yourself something as a reward for your hard work will keep the fires burning! So never forget that above all else, treat yourself! So what's the take awaty from this blog?
Never forget. You matter above all else. As much as your mates and your music does, you gotta keep yourself invigorated and take care of yourself in any way you can. Spend time with loved ones, get fresh air... Do SOMETHING to keep your sanity in the trying times of creating an album. It can get really really tough. In the end, your dedication and hard work WILL pay off. Even if you do not go viral or get that fan base you needed. There is still the fact that YOU CREATED THIS AMAZING THING and in the end, that make you a winner!
On that note, I bid you farewell! Keep it metal, my friends. And don't forget to keep up to date on my insta and SLS's insta on how the process is going!- ArwenStarsong
AuthorArwenStarsong is a singer, songwriter, lyricist, Youtuber, and multi- instrumentalist from Fresno, California. She is an enthusiast of the metal genre, and a lover of poetry, art, and writing. She also livestreams video games for fun sometimes. She is an artist of the Symphonic/ Power metal genre that is beginning to bud in the community. She recently helped found a new Symphonic Power Metal band called Sun Lay Silent. Archives
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